Here’s a wonderfully written blog post by Luis Zehr Headshot Photography. Peruse at your convenience.
Professional headshots Boston, and actor headshots Boston, is a full service headshot studio located in downtown Boston, Ma. Please call today for a free, no obligation pre-shoot consultation. Our services are second to none!
Quality comes first. Just ask some of our very satisfied business clients and actors that had their portraits photographed at our main Boston studio location. Our prices are some of the most competitive in the Boston area. Please mention this video ad when calling and you will receive 10% off your first booking session.
Pick up the phone and call us right now for the best professional headshots in Boston, Period! Our professional headshot packages Boston are quite well done and organized for your various social profile needs or website image.
Related search queries in Google on how you may locate us are, actor headshots Boston, professional headshots Boston reviews and if your into theater or acting, you may want to search for the best actor headshots Boston.
About actors headshots:
Actors’ head shots, when printed and not simply uploaded online to an industry database, are done in an 8″×10″ format. Other promotional images, for example, press shots and lobby prints, may be in many different aspect ratios. Acting head shots are often not photographic prints, instead they are typically printed via a lithographic or laser process.
The main purpose of an actor’s head shot is identification. Therefore, the most important feature of an actor’s head shot is that it represents the subject. Theatrical head shots are usually very “neutral” looking shots of the actor clearly showing their facial features.
Head shots are intended to show a person as they currently appear and reflect their best qualities. Therefore, if an actor’s hair has been recently cut or colored, they would often get a new head shot to reflect their new image. Additionally, if an actor has a scar or facial blemish, it is expected to be visible on the head shot and not digitally removed from the image. Pimples or spots are temporary and, therefore, are usually digitally retouched.
Thank you for considering the meticulous and top rated services provided by our digital photograph studio and staff for over the past 10 years.
Boston Professional Headshots
Boston, MA 02201
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